ASMAR - basic engineering design in progress

The basic engineering design of ASMAR's (Astilleros y Maestranzas de la Armada) new shiplift and transfer system at the Talcahuano shipyard in Chile is being done at Syncrolift's HQ and Innovation lab in Norway.


The Patio de Varada de Asmar project aims to expand the repair and construction capabilities for auxiliary vessels at the ASMAR Talcahuano shipyard. The increasing need to modernize and maintain oceanic and submarine patrol vessels, as well as maintaining fishing vessels, led to the decision to explore modern shiplifts and transfer system

The project is led by Syncrolift AS, and will complete its engineering design by the end of 2024, with Royal Haskoning DHV handling the civil and maritime engineering. This is a substantial project that is part of ASMAR’s master development plan for the Talcahuano shipyard

Replacing old floating docks

The Syncrolift solution will replace the old floating docks with state of the art modern shiplifts, and add capabilities with a transfer system that will allow for more flexibility and higher throughput. ASMAR will, in short, be able to build and repair more vessels, faster. 

The Syncrolift Engineering Innovation Lab

The Syncrolift engineering team is meticulously managing the ASMAR shipyard project. With their expertise in ship lifting and transfer systems, they are focusing on designing a robust and futureproof shiplift capable of handling both military and commercial vessels. The engineers are working closely with international partners to ensure that all civil and maritime engineering aspects meet the highest standards. This collaborative approach ensures the project aligns with ASMAR's modernization goals while enhancing operational efficiency and shipyard capabilities.

About ASMAR Talcahuano

Located in Concepción Bay, Talcahuano, Chile,  this is ASMAR's (Astilleros y Maestranzas de la Armada) and Chile's primary shipyard. The Talcahuano shipyard employs highly skilled staff to maintain, repair, upgrade, and refit both war and commercial ships with a displacement of up to 96,000 DWT (Deadweight Tonnage). Additionally, the facility builds military and commercial vessels up to 50,000 DWT.

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